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Why companies choose Freevoice
See what our customers are saying

Sarah Erdogan

Cory Chalmers
Freevoice has a great cloud based phone system. We have a national franchise and their VOIP phone system keeps us all connected from our call center to each individual office. Best part is, we have experienced no downtime in 8 years.

Doug Nation
Business AI
We have been using Freevoice for just over three years now, and have appreciated their service. It is very convenient to be able to answer a call from home, from a PC, from a mobile phone, or even from a tablet, just as if sitting at the desk in our office.

Steve Goldberg
Starr Insurance
Moving to the cloud and getting rid of my onsite phone system was a great move. My call center managers can now see a birds eye view of all our employees the reporting tools. No more slackers slinking thru the day. I can now see what they all doing.